
모바일(핸드폰) 영화 공모전 www.mina.pro ~8/15

jisunlee 2012. 8. 6. 10:37

Call for Mobile Films
Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa [www.mina.pro]

2nd International Mobile Innovation Screening 2012
in partnership with IdN and the National Film Archive, Wellington, New Zealand
23rd November 2012

The International Mobile Innovation Screening 2012 will showcase short films produced on and with mobile devices by international filmmakers at the National Film Archive in Wellington, NZ. Selected mobile films will be featured in the IdN (International designers’ Network) Magazine v19n6 issue DVD. The MINA program is curated by Laurent Antonczak, Karen Curley, Benoît Labourdette and Dr. Max Schleser.

Deadline for submission of Mobile Films: 15th August 2012

The Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa [MINA] aims to explore the possibilities of interaction between people, content and the creative industries.

International designers' Network (IdN) is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be — an international designers' network.

Deadline for submission of Mobile Films: 15th August 2012

Please send proposals of approximately 250 words including the mobile film title, two still images, link to online preview (if available) and a brief biographical note to max@mina.pro

Dr. Max Schleser for further assistance regarding submission enquiries.
[email: max@mina.pro | mobile: +64 [0] 22 692 0872].

Work can be sent in digital format, via post or courier:
Dr. Max Schleser, c/o MINA, Institute of Communication Design, Po Box 756, Wellington, New Zealand
