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jisunlee 2011. 12. 6. 15:13


The top left and top right corners are created using the following CSS rule:

.rounded:before {
background: transparent url(top-right.png) scroll no-repeat top right;
margin-bottom: -20px;
height: 30px;
display: block;
border: none;
content: url(top-left.png);
padding: 0;
line-height: 0.1;
font-size: 1px;

The bottom left, and the bottom right corners are created with a similar rule, only using the :after pseudo element:

.rounded:after {
display: block;
line-height: 0.1;
font-size: 1px;
content: url(bottom-left.png);
margin: 0 0 -1px 0;
height: 30px;
background: white;
background: transparent url(bottom-right.png) scroll no-repeat bottom right ;
padding: 0;

ThrashBox – create rounded-corner boxes with visual flare and the absolute minimal amount of semantically correct markup.

Even More Rounded Corners With CSS – nice technique with fluid rounded corner dialogs and support for borders, alpha transparency throughout, gradients and patterns.
Even More Rounded Corners With CSS

DomCorners – a very simple technique for getting rounded corners.
DomCorners Rounded corners in CSS – allow you to retrofit this to existing designs without altering any markup.
Rounded corners in CSS

Transparent custom corners and borders version 2 – a technique for creating custom corners and borders with optional alpha transparency.
Transparent custom corners and borders version 2

CSS Teaser Box with rounded corners – by Roger Johansson, the same author of Transparent custom corners and borders version 2.
CSS Teaser Box

News List – was designed to display links to recent news.
news list

CSS Liquid Round Corners – a re-usable rounded box, note that it needs total 6 images for wrap the corners.
CSS Liquid Round Corners

Anti-aliased Nifty Corners – based on Nifty Corners and modified by Steven Wittens.
Anti-aliased Nifty Corners

Simple Box by tedd – another simple rounded corners.
Simple Box by tedd

CSS and round corners making accessible menu tabs – decent rounded corners style menu tabs technique.
CSS and round corners Making accessible menu tabs

CSS and round corners borders with curves – make a rounded corners borders with curves.
CSS and round corners Borders with curves

Airtight Corners – produce a box with rounded corners using only one image, and off-setting that image for each corner.
Airtight Corners

Mountaintop Corners – easier way for creating decent rounded corners.
Mountaintop Corners

Editsite Rounded Corners – need a javascript to create the corners.

Create a rounded block or design with CSS and XHTML – easily create a rounded block.
Create a rounded block or design with CSS and XHTML

Resizable box with freely stylable corners and surface – re sizable rounded corners box.
Resizable box with freely stylable corners and surface

Smart Round Corners – a practical solution to uses small images for markup the corners.
Smart Round Corners

Lean and Clean CSS boxes – need 2 images to wrap the header and box.

Broader Border Corners – a quick and easy recipe for turning those single-pixel borders.
Broader Border Corners

Snazzy Borders – based on Nifty Corners By Alessandro Fulciniti
Snazzy Borders

Rounded corners in CSS by Adam Kalsey – requires 4 corners images.
Rounded corners in CSS by Adam Kalsey

curvyCorners – a free JavaScript program that will create on-the-fly rounded corners for any HTML DIV element, that look as good as any graphically created corners.

Nifty Corners – a solution based on CSS and Javascript to get rounded corners.
Nifty Corners – based upon a combination of pixy and Kalsey